
 5 may

this links soon into ralphschism

art strike idea, also


3 May 2024

WORK to do on this improving by Monday 6 May

Including some more emotive content,  hopefully well written.

This is an unindexed private page - meaning only findable with the link. Intended to remain anonymous. Not for any surreptitious reason merely to share quite specific issues or ideas with specific people I have thought maybe may 'get' the REAL issues. 

This page only a few artists may see

it is a preamble to MAIN page 

https://www.pseudeia.com/p/x.html   (that really could get me killed - but it must be done)

There is a bit more to add later.

I have a few of these 'cloaked' pages,  specifically created as efficient communication system to share with a specific individual, based on her or (only rarely, as they all went internet-mad) his, expressed position on matters if s/he has impressed me. Meaning if i meet someone else in the future,  who seems to have the same genuine social mores and ... even rarer, backbone, i may share this same page with them to save me time. 15 years of being environmentalist (and leader in  other 'social justice' matters,  the most damaging enemy of all became time wasters, supposedly on the same side!  - pretend interest, or pretend allies, 'people pleasing'  - the really bad kind ex junkies and alcies have..for years... ), so i  always seek methods of   .... saving time.

This page is to share with one arts focused person.   Maybe others in the future. It goes no further as it is way down my list of 'concerns' though i may one day make at least 'performance art' out of these words. As it's now or never. ALL forms of awareness must now be rolled out. The profounder the better.

Merely on the general background to the REALITY of total environmental pollution: (i have zero interest in Cornwall, y work is about a previous supposedly far more 'worthy' region)  but to demonstrate using local REALITY, even the bees of The Lizard gather microplastic for your expensive health food shop, organic local honey. FACT. (see ralphschism.com December 23 2024 interview with wonderful Mr Dewhurst) 

And all your Cornish watercourses are polluted. 

(and i do not mean only by the water company -  much domestic and other town and village crap ends up in them too, not under the legal remit of SW Water). (the tragedy of beautiful Cot valley  extremely plastic rich  river i photographed a few weeks ago) 

As with my region of focus for 25 years, just the shoddy practice in local building is a joke (endless here the endless 'gentrification' ) and causes much run-off of  materials  - good for nature,  that needn't be running off.  White van man does NOT care about nature. Never did never will. ANYwhere.  Sadly he needs policing VERY strictly (essays and MANY photo shoots in years of monitoring him in my past region). But as he brings in your bacon.... you ignore his potential misdeeds..... as he knows  - he isnt stupid... he knows no one will care if he forgets to cover the pile of cement bags with a good new proper waterproof tarp prior a storm...and some ends up...draining away into... the brook below. 

And above all the astonishing consumerism - all dressed up in essential 'style' or other symbolic appearance obsession, in regions like Cornwall, is quite incredible. As if  "reduce reuse recycle" wasn't uttered 25 or so years ago. A case study in " that's fine for others but not here..." A scientific assessment of amount of STUFF  - man made molecules/ natural resources, going through an average household today over the same household 30 years ago  would show a 4 or 5 fold increase I am quite sure (ALL molecules - eg endless frenetic car washing, house painting, and extraordinary amounts of always new clothing, never mind ubiquitous, absurd - i say as lifelong long walker,  Nordic Poles  etc)

And then - the great untouchable item, as an expert confirmed to me a few months ago, almost all art of the region safe, anodyne, rubbish.  An embarrassment to the word 'art'. Nothing to say... 

......technically,  often well advanced, but endless samey pictures of the sea, not ne has the truth - i have an interview in Ralphschism.com a few months ago with surfing women - oldschool truthtalking  local tough nuts in 50s, telling me many of their friends get very ill from using coastal waters - VERY ill.  Yet the painters paint on their fantasy theme park.  All of course would also call themselves 'environmentally  aware' -  excluding the considerable use of resources in the raw materials and molecules  they fashion into something to sell to visitors or tourists ...as if their 'footprint' was somehow magically invisible in the golden sands they may display (often on the South Coast around 1% or   even 2 or 3% actually granulated plastic)

And the 'artists' will go to LOndon and see the art of perhaps Ai Weiwei critiquing his former homeland, risking a finger in his Ai... dabbed with novichok no doubt...

(this the image that comes up first item if you google good old Ai )

But i am quite sure if i had ever said to any artist " all that paint, canvas, turps.... isnt it just yet another rather hypocritical  unnecessary use of mother earth's resources...  we do have rather a lot of paintings already in the world... maybe some balanced compromise, like treat yourself to working on  one  year, perhaps.. just until we have at least tried to cut back the worldwide stuff for a few decades... so there is a planet left to paint for the next generation, or some nature they can at least photograph... [ likely even worse culprits  - the absurd massive  thousand quid photos being sold of ferkin waves for god sake...]"

They would try and get me sent to a concentration camp, too....

So i never have....yet.

BUt i stick my finger up, with a  clean fingernail*, to it all.... as i have a 25 year old daughter and nothing has REALLY changed in 25 years since we wet into turbo mode fucking her planet. 



I longtime - 15 years, mentor younger people age 18-30ish into REAL politics if they express free minds  - have original great thinking skills as I have sometimes discovered (all informal one to one) and express over time - as friends, to me,  that they are dissatisfied with things - especially on the environment.

IF nothing else i need help with that (it is unsafe a man to be alone with anyone younger  the last 5 years)

Here is one remarkable example, who i may in fact assist into writing as thats what she wishes but put here simply as a bit of reality on their world... THEY know all is rotten and toxic, as a fair few have expressed to me. My age group needs to truly inspire and enable them to explore what really needs to be put out (Tom Toms and Extinction Rebellion tactics do NOT work - ONLY great writing, rhetoric,  or art does  my mission 15 years has been to attempt to hold hands as they ponder developing in those arenas)

.....one of many Socratic engagements  over a  decade speaking with many on the environment, but this apt in that it is with a  superb younger woman (i rarely dare to riff with them in UK silver medalist in false allegations Olympics, only surpassed by USA - and just possibly N Korea ) about the TOTAL failure of art to cover environmental collapse (but there is  a future in it - the very wealthy are drawn to  masochistic art )